Friday, November 7, 2008

Kaleidoscopes in CoverPop

Author: Laura Klemme

CoverPop - Kaleidoscope

CoverPop is another Flickr tool by Jim Bumgardner, aka

Programmer: Jim Bumgardner
Brief Bio: Jim is a Flickr guru. He coauthored the book, Flickr Hacks: Tips & Tools for Sharing Photos Online (Hacks) for O'Reilly. He founded the Flickr Hacks group and has authored other Flickr utilities.

Similar to Jim's Colr Pickr, CoverPop blends a collage of individual Flickr photos based on color and intensity.

CoverPop has a whole selection of views, but in this post, we are only looking at the Kaleidoscope view. The kaleidoscope collage as shown (above), uses another one of Jim's utilities that creates a kaleidoscope out of ordinary photos.

The CoverPop kaleidoscope collage, is a collection of mini kaleidoscopes that are saved in Flickr.

Each mini kaleidoscope is a different picture. Clicking on one of them will open up a window in Flickr with a full view of a kaleidoscope. One of these many breathtaking kaleidoscopes is shown (left).

Photo, with permission, by: AlphenaMi.

AlphenaMi created this kaleidoscope from an ordinary photo with another tool from Jim.

The original photo of a box of colored pens used in this kaleidoscope is shown (right). Photos with colorful patterns or repeated shapes are great choices for use in kaleidoscopes.
Photo, with permission, by: ciokkolata

1 comment:

Anon said...

This is extremely cool! Thank you for sharing the links - I'm definitely going to try this. And thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today. :)

All the best,