Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Blogging Photos with Flickr

into the blue, blue world
Originally uploaded by manyfires
Author: Laura Klemme

Photos from Flickr can be added to your blog very easily.

After a few simple setup steps, you can send photos from your cellphone directly to your blog. The entire Flickr gallery can be viewed and the photos that are shared can be added to your blog with a simple click and a dropdown menu selection to your blog.

What you need:
  1. A blog account.
  2. An account with Flickr. If you don't have one, you can set one up for free.
  3. Login and click on your login name in the upper right corner.
  4. On the next page, click on "Extending Flickr." In "Your Blogs" click "Configure your Flickr-to-blog settings" and "Setup your blog."
  5. If you are using Blogger, the screens will guide you through authorizing your Flickr account to access your blog.
Email to Blog
To email photos directly to your Flickr photostream or to your blog, Flickr can assign a special email address for this. Add this address to your cellphone and email address books and you are ready to go.

Featured Photo: Into the Blue, Blue World
Breathtaking. The photo here, is one that is featured on Flickr at this moment. The photographer is "manyfires" and is sharing this photo from her Flickr account. Here is what she has to say about capturing such a beautiful picture,
"I was on my way back to the Signal Mountain Campground (having been at Oxbow Bend) in the Tetons when I decided to pull over and try for one last pinhole shot. The skies were clear - nothing interesting there - but the vista was still breathtaking, and so very blue. I scurried down a rocky hill to the edge of Jackson Lake and sat for 20 minutes while pinhole did its thing. I later had to cook and eat my supper in the complete dark as a result, but I think it was worth the shot."

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